27 August 2008

Batman: In the Cut

Somebody ripped pages 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 17 from the copy of a library book I have in my possession. This pisses me off so much because I may have never found out who Hush was, but even more because it's a damn library book. People shouldn't ruin books if the books don't belong to them. I had been waiting for this book for a month. It took a month for another library to pony up the goods. I thought I'd find out where the book came from, drop by the library and give the librarian a piece of my mind.

I flipped the book over to find out where it came from. There, emblazoned on the back cover, were the two words that send shivers down my spine: Corrections Library.

I thought for a second that it was really awesome that they have a library to fix errors with the books, like rips or tears or re-flattening my dog-eared pages.

Then I remembered the big, circular building on 270 that I pass everyday on my way to work: the one that used to house Mike Tyson for a spell.

The Montgomery County Detention Center.

After a minute of thinking, I thought to myself that the person who ripped out the pages of the book are already where they belong.

Moral? Don't rip pages from books or you'll go to jail.


Anonymous said...


Who is Hush? Wonder if the answer to that question was important to the inmate who ripped those pages out.

If so, I wonder why. You could ponder that in your essay for a little more depth.

Anonymous said...

I've had such a craving to read some Batman lately. I didn't read a lot when I was little, but one of my all time favorites was the "Death in the Family" arc, the one where Jason Todd dies. I owned it and everything ... I probably read it about 50 times. Are you a regular Batman reader? Tell us more, precious.