17 October 2008

George Lucas, Bringer of Death or How My Brain Works After a Long Day and a Couple of Beers

I just watched Indiana Jones and The Legend of the Crystal Skull for the second time with my parents and I came to a chilling conclusion:

George Lucas might be Shiva the bringer of death.

After the last three Star Wars movies and the aforementioned Indiana Jones movie, I'm convinced that he's going to destroy the world next. I'm sure he's generally sweet and benevolent, but watch out for his next movie. I don't mean to alarm you, but his next film may really be a herald of the great world-eater Galactus.

He's writing a movie due for release in 2009 about the Tuskegee Airmen. If I was one of those men, I'd be so pissed off. They did something fairly incredible by breaking the race barrier in the air force and this is how they're repaid. If I was about to do something great and someone from the future told me that by doing so George Lucas would make a movie about me, I'd think twice before doing it. Seriously. It's like being told that Carrot Top would be playing you in the movie of your life. Wouldn't you work damned hard to change your life if someone told you that?

Am I racist for getting the Tuskegee Airmen and the Tuskegee Experiment mixed up or for thinking they were related? I don't get them confused because both involve African Americans. I get them mixed up because they both have the word Tuskegee in them. Does that happen to anybody else, because it happens to me ALL THE TIME. Like the name Britney and Whitney. That -itney just screws me up. I can't remember all of the times I've called someone Britney when they should have been called Whitney. Isn't that strange?

Isn't it strange how my posts tend to jump all over the place after I've had a few beers? Sorry for that.

1 comment:

limeymcfrog said...

I wouldn't go as far as Carrot Top... You'd have to go with someone who was supposed to be great in the 70s but turned out to be not so great through the 90s and by 2000 had reached the point of infamy. Sylvester Stallone maybe?