26 March 2009

Bad Religion

I’ve been wondering how a raven is like a writing desk for almost two decades, even since seeing the Disney adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, but all that happens when I dedicate any time to this riddle is that I think of how one thing is like another. Like religions. Not to take the piss out of the Church of England or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but I see one striking similarity between the two. Joseph Smith and King Henry the Eighth helped establish two very helpful and good organizations, but under some more careful inspection, doesn’t it seem that the two organizations were founded by sex-crazed sociopaths? Less so with Joseph Smith, but it seems as though they both made a few timely manipulations of the zeitgeist so that they could justify banging as many chicks as they wanted.

Not to take away anything from the good things that the English and Mormon Churches do for society, but it’s interesting that part of the reason each was established was so that it’s leader could practice adultery without any sort of social or legislative castigation.

Especially with the LDS, it's captivating that such a chaste people could believe so steadfastly in a church that is so deep-rooted in such a harmful practice. Granted, polygamy was forbidden over one-hundred years ago, but never have I see a flock so faithful to such an undeserving shepherd.

To be fair, the same could be said about all religions and maybe the key is to do what the prophets and leaders and prelates say, not as they do.

1 comment:

Joe Kuhn said...

Poe wrote on both (not my own thought, sadly)