20 November 2008

Part 3 of A Serious Discussion


What I find most objectionable about the article I posted on Monday is Evangelical Christians are starting to refer to their antagonists as pro abortion instead of pro life.

Sure, at first it was annoying that the priest mentioned the penance in the first place, but I understand why he would do something like that. I think a lot of priests admire him for doing what he did: sure, it's self-righteous and presumptuous (which we will ultimately get to tomorrow), but it's not the worst thing a Catholic priest has ever done.

What the Christian Right can be blamed for is unfairly vilifying the Pro Choice camp by calling them "pro abortion".

Let's get it straight.
Nobody is pro abortion. Nobody wants to have an abortion. I'm sure there are some people who want them because they've turned the act into a sick fetish, but I'm 90% sure that most people who get them do so out of desperation. To call this group of people pro-abortion is not only factually inaccurate, but intellectually irresponsible.

But I've found that in most religious fundamentalism, there is one common denominator:

Intellectual Laziness

Stay tuned for Part 4 tomorrow.

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