27 July 2009


Being unemployed at the moment has been very enlightening, which is a double-edged sword: it's nice because I'm thinking and doing things that gainful employment has prevented me from doing, like becoming more enlightened.

Too bad enlightenment won't pay my shockingly high mobile phone bill.

Enlightenment 1:
Why aren't we all wearing men's bathing suits instead of regular clothing? My bathing suit is the most comfortable piece of clothing I own. So why are we worrying about silly things like underwear when we could make all of our clothing like a bathing suit?

Enlightenment 2:
Cars have to be up to a certain standard before they are sold, but what is stopping us from being able to create our own car? Following certain standards and constraints, shouldn't we be the ones to decided what bells and whistles we have and how big or small our interior is? How has this technology not been invented? I know you can "build your own" car on most automobile websites, but it's not really the same as actually designing your own car. We should be able to do this.

Enlightenment 3:
If spiders are so necessary to our way of life (they say that if spiders didn't exist, we'd be inundated with other insects), isn't there a way to genetically mutate them so that they don't look so gross and creepy? Like...could be make them look like tribbles? I'm convinced that tribbles are really future spiders that have been mutated to look less icky. Insects are dangerous and annoying, so I don't want to make spiders less lethal to them, but I'd like to make them a little more nice looking. If only because they are really interesting and I'd like to read about them on wikipedia, but I can't because of the pictures. I may have a phobia.

Enlightenment 4:
Megan Fox is too hot. More about this tomorrow.

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