Dear Mr. Snyder,
My name is Jim Eustice and I may have written an open letter to you before. I'm not the most rabid Redskins fan, nor am I the loudest or flashiest. In fact, I generally prefer watching the Skins in the privacy of my own home, barely clothed with a cool bottle of my favorite fermented beverage. If that makes my opinion less valid or me less of a fan, so be it.
But there's one thing I just have to say to you.
Let me preface that by explaining that I heard on the local news that there was a plan to trade this year's top draft pick and next year's in order to pick University of Southern California quarterback Mark Sanchez. I'll admit that in the previous two years Sanchez had very good numbers, ultimately leading his team to a crushing Rose Bowl victory over Penn State.
The problem is this, bud. Was Jason Campbell, our quarterback du jour, the problem? Or did he crumble last year because of an aging offensive line? Isn't that kind of why Portis' numbers start decreasing, too?
I'm not averse to a trade that can strengthen the offensive line. I even like Mark Sanchez, but if so much of football is contingent on the offensive line, what good is he? How is he any different than Jason Campbell in regard to the weak offensive line? Arguably, he's a better passer and a fresh start for Campbell and the Redskins might be exactly what the doctor ordered. What if Campbell was playing for Minnesota? I bet he'd do pretty well. Minnesota can afford to start sub par quarterbacks because...they have a great offensive line.
And while the Redskins did have a great line, age isn't doing anybody any favors.
To sum up my point, sir, I've included a picture.

That round thing to the right of the little bench?
That's a wheel. The Mesopotamians invented it thousands of years ago.
It still works great. In fact, you could say that they broke the mold when the first wheel was made. It was perfect.
Mister Snyder.
I beg you.
I implore you.
Stop trying to invent the wheel.
It's been done.
Trade some draft picks, but for God's sake...for ALL of our sake...please trade for something that will actually address the problems at hand. Please.
Thank you for your time, Mister Snyder, and if you ever need a general manager or...any kind of front office employee, really, keep me in mind.
I only hope that next week you don't make a gigantic gaffe.
Love you,
Jim Eustice
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