18 May 2009

Notre Dame

It seems to be so hard for the pro-life camp to understand that "pro-choice" doesn't mean "pro-baby-murder".  When I say that I am personally against abortion (as in I would not want the woman I impregnated to abort our child), but that I'm also pro-choice (as in it's not my decision whether you want to have a baby or not: I wish you did, but again...not my decision) I get strange looks and I often hear that I can only either be for it or against it.

Like if anybody actually read what President Obama said regarding abortion in his commencement address at Notre Dame, he's actually trying to make progress in this tooth-and-nail fight.  He's recognizing that both sides have strong opinions and valid beliefs, but also that each side clings to them with such steadfast stubbornness that they often dismiss the other side as murderers or ideologues.  

And President Obama is saying that we're doing it wrong.

He's recognizing that abortion is never, ever going to be criminalized (nor should it be), but he's also trying to compromise by making it more desirable to bring a child to term and helping to avoid unwanted pregnancies to begin with through education (of course, a lot of pro-lifers are also for abstinence-only sex ed, so...they want to have their cake and eat it too).

Sounds like a pretty good compromise to me.

So, in light of the absolute I'm given any time I talk about abortion (that I either believe in it or not), I've come up with my own absolute:

If you're against President Obama speaking at anywhere or doing anything because he's pro-choice, you're a jerk.  You just are.  Sorry.  He's trying to actually get something done with this divisive issue and you're protesting that...so you're a jerk.  Mr. Obama said up front that we can either have a president that does something or one that doesn't.  

Do you want 4 or 8 more years of one-sided political rhetoric instead of a thoughtful man who is trying his damnedest to do something good for this country?  He could easily abuse his significant power, but he's listening to everybody and coming up with a plan that's good for everybody.

So keep protesting him.  I'll still be here to call you a jerk.

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