24 June 2009

5 More!!

So The Academy has added five more nominees to the Best Picture Award.

This is great news. There many years when I have agreed with the winner, let alone the five nominees, so hopefully this will open things up a little bit. Maybe we'll see some foreign, animated and documentary films being nominated. Either way, it's a surefire way to ensure that the Academy Awards mean something again.

So since I'm a giant film dork, I'm going to write a megapost about what the Oscars should have been, starting Monday.

Get excited.

In the mean time...


The Miz said...

Do you think they'll open it up to foreign and indie films or do you think it'll let in things like...oh Confessions of a Shopaholic?

Jim Eustice said...

I think this only works against people who give a shit what other people think of the things he enjoys.

Full disclosure: CoaS was a good romantic comedy. Isla Fisher is pretty enough to pass for a fashionista and funny enough to carry the movie. It falls prey to cliche in the final act, but hey...I never said it was a perfect movie. Very good cast of very funny people. It even subversively hints at the very real harm addiction inflicts upon secondary victims.

I'd give it a solid C+.

Try again next time, sugar.