12 June 2009

On Bigotry

Nobody raised their hands, so...here goes!

Disclaimer: If you are an unstable anti-Semite or white supremacist, let me preface this with two things.

  1. You can think whatever you want. That's the power of the United States. I just think you'd be better served not prescribing to hate.
  2. My thoughts probably are not worth your anger...so please don't make any threats of bodily harm. It's just not worth it to you. Trust me. Why would you threaten me knowing that it could lead to jail time...which probably leads to loss of freedom, self-respect (which is already running on fumes) and might lead to prison rape. So let's keep it civil and keep our hands to ourselves.

I don't really understand modern antisemitism.

Correction: I guess I don't understand any antisemitism, especially the modern incarnation. I should clarify that I don't think the tension between Palestinians and Israelis is antisemitism; I think both parties dislike each other independently of religion. Back to the topic at hand.

I was reading the web page of the scumbag who shot up the Holocaust Museum and the rhetoric he uses is ridiculous. He writes stuff like the "JEW CONSPIRACY to destroy the White gene-pool".

Who reads that and thinks "you know what...I think this guy's on to something"?
Or maybe it's the clever and subtle capitalization of "JEW CONSPIRACY" that does the trick.

Really, though, it shows you that this man has a certain audience in mind and may be part of that audience himself.

That audience, of course, is comprised by lazy-thinking, pig-ignorant misanthropes who have nothing better to do than blame all of their problems on Jews or Blacks or whatever minority has wronged the white man. It's not even that the anti-Semitic "school" of thought (in this context, I use the word school and thought very lightly) is lazy or ignorant or disgusting.

Sure, those things thoroughly damn anti-Semitism (and white supremacy), but there's something more subtle and subversive about it that bothers me.

It's just that it's such a...weak way of thinking.

Maybe I just have an extremely internal locus of control, but I believe that things, both bad and good, happen to me as a result of my own actions or thinking. I can't imagine what state my life would have to be in for me to want to blame other people for my problems, let alone Jews and Blacks. It reeks of one of the most underrated current problems in our country: a severe lack of perspective.

So to any budding white supremacists reading, take a step back for one second and examine your life. There is no conspiracy. Nobody is trying to ruin your life. You're only being fooled by the extremists writing this stuff. You're being manipulated into thinking that your problems are someone else's responsibility and, in turn, that you are powerless to fix your own life. If you continue thinking your powerless to change your life for the better, you're going to end up alone, dependent on others, in jail or dead...

You are wasting your time with these hateful, fear-mongering bigots. You could be doing
something much more productive, like your homework. Or hugging your goddamn parents. Or...or playing Call of Duty!

Trust me...as someone who had been briefly and superficially caught up in that spiral of fear and hate, I can tell you that this is not the way to a good life. You're stronger and smarter than this.


limeymcfrog said...

When were you caught up in this? No judgement, just curious.

Jim Eustice said...

Before we knew each other. Middle school? Late elementary?