02 June 2009


On my way to and from work every day I pass a Montgomery County police station.  For the most part, MoCo's finest have upheld the law with honor and pride, especially during the Beltway Sniper saga.  They really held it together.

I live near a fairly recognizable park that may or may not have been the filming location to a very famous late-90s horror flick about a witch and three kids...you know the one...and sometimes we hear weird sounds at night.  Sounds that are perfectly explainable in the daytime, but frightening in the night.  Sometimes we end up calling our local neighborhood peace officer to check things out because...you know...they have high-powered flashlights and guns, while all I have is soggy pants and a high-power brain that tells me to let braver people poke around outside at night.  

I feel comfortable and proud to say that the Montgomery County Police are patient, effective and make me feel safer.

Except when I drive by their offices and see a big electronic sign advertising their policy of accepting anonymous tips via text message.  This seems like a good plan: hell, it is a good plan.

But wasn't texting while driving made illegal in Maryland?
But...don't these police signs advertise law breaking then since the only way people see these signs is when they are driving?

You tell me.

It sure seems a bit fishy.

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