14 August 2008

The Spirit of the Olympics?

There seems to be an old adage that holds the Olympics on high and expects everyone in the world, for just two short weeks, to be at peace with one another. Everyone always goes on and on about the spirit of the Olympics.

I'm here to tell you one thing.

All of that is bullshit.

From the 1936 Olympics in Munich to the string of boycotts in the 70s and 80s, not to mention implications that steroids have been used up until recently, the Olympics have never been as hallowed as they are reported.

Especially not this year.

Russia is about to invade Georgia. The US got it right and told Russia that it would behoove them to back the hell off. It seems like the Russians don't quite get this diplomacy thing quite yet and we're trying to tutor them in the art of talking to other nations. Too bad they're such poor studies. I imagine it'd go something like this.

Don't even get me started on the 13-year-old Chinese gymnast. I can't really blame her for wanting to compete. I can't blame the Chinese for wanting to win now. I can blame her parents for letting this happen. I can blame her coaches for not having much integrity. Mostly, though, I blame the IOC: with the crackdown on doping they obviously yearn to be taken seriously. When they heard that He Kexin was only 13-years-old (apparently the IOC is comprised of the three blind mice, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles' ghost, David Strathairn's character from Sneakers, Oedipus and post-Odyssey Polyphemas) they decided it was a matter for someone else to deal with. Great call IOC. Inspiring faith in the Olympics: you're doing it wrong.

So as these Olympic games come to a close, let's try and promote some peace and integrity.


Anonymous said...

Very happy that Nastia and Shawn could get past the utter fix that was the all-around competition. I love how they pop one foot out and get an entire point deduction, but Yang Yilin barely stays on the balance beam and gets a 9.4 in execution. What happened? Maybe the chineese ran out of bribe money for the judges...

Anonymous said...

Mostly I'm just impressed with your knowledge of blind characters in film and literature. Way to toss those out there.