07 August 2008

I'm From Missouri.

The economy is in a funk and is probably going to get worse before it gets better. Our young men and women are fighting a war predicated on faulty information at best (a lie at worst). We are dependent on what may be the dregs of an environmentally harmful form of energy. I've pretty much accepted these faults as the eggs that need to be cracked in order to make the omelet we know as America.

The worst part of the past eight years hasn't been any of the above.

The worst part is that I've lost almost all of my faith in the righteousness of The United States of America. We seem to have turned into a country run by people who find it easy to justify torture and the mistreatment of humanity. Not just abroad, in Iraq, but also here with the ever-growing gap between the haves and have-nots.

Doesn't anybody in the current administration remember Harry S. Truman?

If not, here's a reminder:

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