Recently I've been discovering an array of new foodstuffs, both as an active departure from the food I've eaten for the past couple of years and because I've been just plain curious. This is what happens when you've been underemployed for two years.
So I was walking through the local grocery with my father and I picked up a jar of Nutella. I've never had it, but I've always stayed away from it thinking I hate hazelnuts. Well, I don't hate hazelnuts, it turns out. It also turns out that Nutella is the most delicious substance known to man. I mean, look at it. Just look at it!
It has this satiny texture and the combination of hazelnuts and chocolate is perfect. There remains one problem, though.
What the hell do you put it on? Is this some kind of cosmic joke? I find something as wonderful as this and nothing to put it on! You can't just eat spoonfuls of it. That would be overkill. I asked my friend Andy what he puts it on. His answer? Crepes. And me without a crepe pan. Fuck. My mother suggested white bread, but I think white bread is kind of disgusting. A noble suggestion, but it doesn't work either. Nilla Wafers? Not quite. Shortbread? Wrong again.
So now I'm left with a 3/4 filled jar of Nutella. Just sitting there.
LOL, great post!
My goodly wife said she does eat it out of a spoon, but sparingly. Her other suggestion is graham crackers. I can't believe Nilla Wafers don't work though. That's disappointing.
How about dipping fruit, like Strawberries, in it. Or spread it on apple slices. Ooh, you could also make a nutella and bannana smoothie. (just add milk and half a bannana to two tablespoons and blend)
I think it could work on just about any sweet breakfast substance: waffles, french toast etc. Bagles, croissants and English muffins might also work. If you're going to eat it on bread, I'd think the bread would have to be pretty well toasted, or at least dry to not be gross.
I agree about the fruit ... that was my first thought. And it sounds delicious ... and I wanna go get some right now. One of your pledge brothers (I'll let you guess which one) ate Nutella (as well as cake frosting) out of the container, with a spoon. During Dr. Rooney's Methods class. On a daily basis.
Since we're talking food, I'm currently in love with this Frito Lay jalapeno cheese dip ... it's probably got to be the worst thing on earth for me to eat ... but it's delicious. So, so delicious.
Fruit isn't a bad idea. It might be a little too nutty for fruit. We'll see, though.
The only person I can think of that would do that is Red. Am I right?
In elementary school, my BFF ["forever" only lasted about 5 years] moved to Australia and she used to mail me packages of Nutella.... yummmm. It wasn't until college that I discovered that it's sold in the States.
Best. Discovery. Evar.
I eat it on peanut butter sandwiches. Some say it's overkill...I say it's delightful.
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