24 November 2009
Tne Albatross Sleeps the Night
I'm writing on another blog.
Hope to see you there.
It's been a blast.
03 September 2009
Videos of puppies doing things...it can be anything really...are cute.
But...isn't it kind of sick that whoever shot this video decided to shoot the video instead of...i don't know...helping their dog roll over?
Am I wrong?
02 September 2009
That's My Philosophy
I did have a philosophy professor who scared the shit out of everybody, intimated he may have been tortured, smoked and held a pipe during class and may have been involved in amatuer kickboxing. He kind of looked like Sagat from Street Fighter II without the eyepatch. I've never seen the two of them in the same place at the same time...so let's just say that Sagat tought me philosophy.
01 September 2009
You'll Never See This Face Again
I love this kid because he's taking things so seriously. I just want to shake some sense into him and tell him to chill out. I really can't help laughing at him. Kids are cute that way, when they're acting like they're really going to run away.
I almost ran away when I was about that age, but I only made it to between the two cars in our carport. I think my parents, after realizing that I wasn't lost forever, had a nice laugh about it.
26 August 2009
The Easter Bunny
I found this video on fark and I thought it should be shared with the world. I'm amazed that it's not staged. The woman who is being interviewed is either a extremely crazy or a genius of the highest caliber.
You decide.
18 August 2009
For Wednesday, August 19: Repulsion
Now I knew it meant that I was receiving the 1965 Polanski film, but I was kind of amazed that sometimes Netflix could also predict what I'm going to be feeling about my life on a given day.
I hope sometime in the near future it's less Repulsion and Life on Mars and more Happy Go Lucky.
14 August 2009
Bad Moon Rising
Tracy: Oh my god, Lexi, did you SEE the new trailer for New Moon? It looks so good!!
Lexi: Is it on the interwebz??? Show it to me.
(They watch the trailer. Tracy's squees drown out most of the audio. The trailer ends.)
Tracy: Didn't that look amazing??? With Jasper all losing his shit over Bella's paper cut? And Edward totally saving her? I wish there were guys like that. I wish my boyfriend would stop punching me in the calf. That asshole should be more like Edward.
(Pregnant Pause)
Lexi: What? Does Paul hit y-
Tracy: No. Forget it.
Lexi: Okay. Because if he is, that's really messed up.
Tracy: (rolls eyes at Lexi) Whatever. Didn't you just love that though? I can't wait to see it!
Lexi: (nonplussed) Yeah. Yeah, I guess it was pretty cool. The part where Edward saved Bella. That was interesting.
Tracy: And the part where Jacob saves Bella from that asshole, Laurent? How AMAZING WAS THAT!!!?
Lexi: Yeah, that was alright, I suppose....but...
Tracy: What?
Lexi: Nothing. It's nothing.
Tracy: No, what's wrong?
Lexi: Well...I was just thinking about that. About all of it.
Tracy: I know...THOSE ABS! He's so h-
Lexi: No...no, not about that. I mean, yeah, he's hot, but that's not what I was thinking about.
Tracy: What is it, Lex?
Lexi: Well...it's kind of a problem I've been having with the whole Twilight series.
Tracy: Twilight doesn't have problems, Lexi. It is perfect.
Lexi: Yeah, I know that, but...
Tracy: But what, Lex? But what?!
Lexi: What do vampires hate?
Tracy: Garlic.
Lexi: And?
Tracy: Wood through the heart?
Lexi: Yes, which makes me wonder why they cast Kristen Stewart as Bella. But I digress...what else do they hate?
Tracy: Bitches who question the integrity of Twilight?
Lexi: I mean...maybe they hate that, too. But what's the biggy? The major thing that defines vampires across the wide spectrum of vampires stories? What are they all afraid of?
Tracy: The sun?
Lexi: THE SUN! Good! So...
Tracy: So what?
Lexi: Work with me, Trace. So...the vampires in Forks love the sun?
Tracy: No, they hate it, too.
Lexi: And Laurent? Does he hate it?
Tracy: Of course...
Lexi: What did you notice about the fight between Laurent and Jacob?
Tracy: Jacob's rockin' abs. How he ferociously protected Bella?
Lexi: You're close. What else?
Tracy: They were in a forest?
Lexi: And?
Tracy: And...Jacob has amazing abs?
Lexi: What time of day was it?
Tracy: Midday, I guess. I dunno. Not night, not dusk, not dawn.
Lexi. Exactly. EXACTLY.
Tracy: So what?
Lexi: Well...let's ignore the fact that Jacob changed himself willingly, without a full moon. Big deal. The part I can't get past is that Laurent is walking around in the middle of the day without any problem.
Tracy: It's cloudy.
Lexi: Really? Seriously, Tracy? The answer to the biggest problem vampires have ever faced is to move to a place where it is constantly overcast?
Tracy: Makes sense to me. No sun, no problem.
Lexi: Let me ask you something: are there plants and trees in Forks?
Tracy: Dude...they're fighting in a forest.
Lexi: So that must mean...
Tracy: That the woods block out the sun even more.
Tracy: You can photosynthesize my ass, Lexi. New Moon looks awesome.
Lexi: Except that it was written by people who don't understand the most basic biological process?
Tracy: It's just a movie.
Lexi: Whatever. You're just a movie.
Tracy: Jacob is really hot, though, right?
Lexi: (heavy sigh) Yeah...Yeah he's really hot.
13 August 2009
Righting the Ship
12 August 2009
11 August 2009
Blockbuster Exclusive
The kid was hell bent on seeing Obsessed, a Fatal Attraction ripoff starring Stringer Bell, Sasha Fierce and Niki Sanders, but his father (rightfully so, I suppose) wouldn't let him see it because it was too adult. It certainly is too "adult" for kids, but this kid was relentless.
"But it's about an affair and murder and things. You don't want to watch that stuff."
So what movie does the father suggest?
Maybe a fun, family-friendly animated adventure like Bolt? Or the mediocre Race to Witch Mountain?
No. Of course not.
"Why don't we rent Watchmen? Isn't that the newest kids movie?"
He suggests Watchmen, which is not only rated R, but is also, to an extent, about an affair and murder and things.
The kid ended up with The Fast and Furious, which I suppose is a decent compromise. What bad could come from that movie? Other than maybe learning at an early age that circumventing the law is acceptable and often rewarded with fast cars, loose women and ball-rockin' soundtracks...
I'm not asking for everybody to be as in the know as I am when it comes to film, but paying attention for five seconds might help, especially when you're trying to rear a child.
07 August 2009
Appalachian St. QB sidelined with mowing injury
Posted using ShareThis
One more reason JMU is better than App St.
We don't lose players to mowing injuries.
Just sayin', Mountaineers. Just sayin.
06 August 2009
Conversations I Wish I Could Have Had, Part 2
She told me that she thinks I'm just kind of clogged up and that I need a cleanse. I told her that I shower at least every day, realizing, of course, that it was not my epidermis that needed cleansing, but my...how to put this delicately...my alimentary canal.
So I went to CVS and picked up a cornucopia of tools, elixirs and pills meant to facilitate the kind of cleanse my doctor had prescribed. I went to the front of the store and bought my cure, under the gaze of furrowed brows and veiled smirks from those behind and in front of me.
I really wish I had said this:
Me, to the check-out woman: I know what you're thinking.
Check-out Woman: What's that?
Me: You're thinking that this guy (insert pregnant pause, point to self for emphasis) this guy is going to have an amazing weekend.
But, of course, I bought my expensive laxatives and went on my way.
05 August 2009
Warren Moon
Sportscaster: Here's is Hall of Famer Warren Moon, author of the new book Never Give Up on Your Dream. What's your message with this book, Warren?
Maybe his message is that there's no place like home.
Or that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Or that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Or maybe his message is that you should NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR GODDAMN DREAMS!
Come on, ESPN.
Conversations I Wish I Could Have Part 1
This is one of those times.
This is a conversation I wish I could have on facebook.
Person from Past: I went horseback riding in the Estonian countryside today. What did you do today?
What I'd Like to Say: I defriended you, that's what.
But I didn't do that. Maybe I should have. I have "known" this person for about 25 years, although only peripherally for the past 15. It doesn't help her cause that she stopped talking to me because she was afraid I was going to rape her while we walked home from school. Middle school. Because all I could think about in middle school was forcing myself onto a marginally pretty girl I'd known since kindergarten who was also dating a 6'3" 13-year-old.
If I had a time machine, before going back in time to slap the first McDonald's burger out of my hand, I'd go back to middle school to tell that girl not to flatter herself.
Middle school was really, really bad. I liked high school because I fell into a crowd of kindred spirits, but middle school was the worst.
04 August 2009
I Had the Time of My Life
After seeing this, I now like Charlyne Yi, Channing Tatum and Dirty Dancing!
Way to go, whoever made this video.
03 August 2009
Well...new to me. And it's not exactly an unfamiliar model.
It's pretty much the same car, just a newer model, less miles on it and some nice little bells and whistles.
It's not a sexy car and I wouldn't call it "cherry" (I would never call anything but the fruit that, though), but I like it.
Even if the brakes seem to be made entirely out of Sean Cassidy's vocal chords.
29 July 2009
Making Pancakes
This morning was my first attempt at making pancakes from scratch. I've made harder things before and they have always come out tasting good, so why not give pancakes a go?
Who screws up pancakes?
I do, that's who.
But they're pancakes! They're so easy!
Who cares if I was missing half a cup of flour?
Who cares if there is a hot spot on the griddle?
Who cares if the batter is too thin?
They were bad. So bad.
Too thin. Too fluffy. No substance.
They exist in direct and brazen defiance of God's will. Another gustatory mystery has eluded me: first nutella, now pancakes.
27 July 2009
Too bad enlightenment won't pay my shockingly high mobile phone bill.
Enlightenment 1:
Why aren't we all wearing men's bathing suits instead of regular clothing? My bathing suit is the most comfortable piece of clothing I own. So why are we worrying about silly things like underwear when we could make all of our clothing like a bathing suit?
Enlightenment 2:
Cars have to be up to a certain standard before they are sold, but what is stopping us from being able to create our own car? Following certain standards and constraints, shouldn't we be the ones to decided what bells and whistles we have and how big or small our interior is? How has this technology not been invented? I know you can "build your own" car on most automobile websites, but it's not really the same as actually designing your own car. We should be able to do this.
Enlightenment 3:
If spiders are so necessary to our way of life (they say that if spiders didn't exist, we'd be inundated with other insects), isn't there a way to genetically mutate them so that they don't look so gross and creepy? Like...could be make them look like tribbles? I'm convinced that tribbles are really future spiders that have been mutated to look less icky. Insects are dangerous and annoying, so I don't want to make spiders less lethal to them, but I'd like to make them a little more nice looking. If only because they are really interesting and I'd like to read about them on wikipedia, but I can't because of the pictures. I may have a phobia.
Enlightenment 4:
Megan Fox is too hot. More about this tomorrow.
24 July 2009
Feel the Magic
It certainly should. George Sherrill has been one of the few consistently good things about the Baltimore Orioles of late and would certainly bring his work ethic, willingness to pitch in whatever situation necessary and his clubhouse presence to the highest bidder. He's arguably one of the reasons the Orioles are 41-53 and not, oh I don't know, 28-67. Will he win a team the World Series outright? No, of course not; but he would certainly help.
The Orioles are a rebuilding team and have been for about 3 years, having moved up from perennial cellar-dweller, a position they have held since the Maier Incident happened in 1996. They're still dwelling in the cellar, but...you just wait...whether it's their stockpile of young talent in the minors or the equity of fate they have built up over the years, I am sure that the Orioles will be a first place team in the near future (we're talking like 3 or 4 years, folks).
So when Sherrill says that he wants to be a part of the impending resurgence of Orioles Magic, can you honestly afford to trade him? I say that if he wants to stay, keep him. Am I crazy about this?
23 July 2009
I have an inexplicable and slightly creepy ardor for all things Channing. You see, she played a prominent role in my childhood. In the early 80s, the suits at Big TV thought it would be a dandy idea to make a campy, creepy adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. It was split into two made-for-TV movies, one a straight adaptation in the vein of the 50s Disney cartoon and the second, where Alice goes through the looking glass. Anybody who has seen it can attest to the low quality of the first part and the high quality of the second. It stars Channing and Ann Jillian as the White and Red queens, respectively, along with Patrick Duffy, Red Buttons, Karl Malden, Pat Morita, John Stamos, Sally Struthers...hang on, I've lost my breath...Johnathan Winters as Humpty Dumpty and more. AND MORE AND MORE! Is that something you might be interested in?
22 July 2009
Susan the Gardener

I'm not hating. Susan Boyle should be given credit where it is due, but lets not lionize the woman yet. I'm just saying...I already saw that movie and Susan Boyle...she ain't no Chance Gardiner.
20 July 2009
14 July 2009
Infinite Jest
Hell, I'm not entirely sure why
anybody kills themselves...life just seems way too precious, no matter how shitty it can get sometimes.
I've read that he suffered from severe depression and my sincere hope, even though I didn't know the man, is that he found some kind of peace in death.
He wrote a novel called Infinite Jest that is, apparently, very difficult to finish.
Now that I'm a man of leisure (hopefully not for long...I do love that paycheck), I've decided to take the Infinite Jest challenge. I've tried reading difficult novels (Foucault's Pendulum, Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake) with very little success. I have a feeling that getting through Wallace's 1079-page tome is going to be difficult, but I need to do this.
Who's comin' with me?
13 July 2009
10 July 2009
I've Made a Horrible Mistake
Resign from current position that is making me miserable and ask for a new one, without much certainty of getting it.
Step 2:
Step 3:
Fame, fortune, a happy love life, a nice home, a place in the annals of Western Civilization
Got step 1 out of the way today.
Now...let's make step 3 happen.
Who's comin' with me?
09 July 2009
Captain Planet Drives a Humvee
08 July 2009
Scott Kazmir's Underpants
07 July 2009
06 July 2009
In the documentary, Robert McNamara imparts on the audience a glut of learned knowledge, mostly about war, but, perhaps metaphorically, about life as well.
The most striking thing about the documentary is how penitent McNamara comes across for having drafted the blueprints of the Vietnam War.
He seemed regretful for having gotten the country into such a monumental pickle. Of course, to say that he "got us into it" is a gross simplification of such a complex event, but...for the sake of argument.
I think one of the things McNamara was driving at is that sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do for the greater good.
I think that's a fairly common belief.
But is it true? Do we really have to do so many things we don't want to out of necessity?
My job makes me want to drive into trees so that I can justify missing a couple days.
Do I need to stay at that job out of necessity?
Sure, I need the money.
But do I need it bad enough to trick myself into thinking there are no better options?
My friends and family all say that I need a job...and they're correct. Absolutely.
But do I need this one?
In this town?
At this pay grade?
My first reaction to those questions is a reluctant and weak yes, but after thinking about the question, I've come to the conclusion that all answers point in the direction of a giant, resounding, purple-neon-lighted no.
Why do we find so much comfort in the security of present conditions? Why do we feel the need to fall into place and live with discomfort or unhappiness?
Is the comfort really worth the pain?
Not to me, it's not. That's what I learned from Robert McNamara.
01 July 2009
The Contender

30 June 2009
The King of Pop
24 June 2009
5 More!!
23 June 2009
22 June 2009
Ne-Yo Soul
17 June 2009
Make 'Em Laugh: 6/17/09
16 June 2009
Sarah Wailin' Palin and Her Wah-Wah Band
15 June 2009
The Iran Situation
Commentary: Iran's hardliners are the real losers
12 June 2009
On Bigotry
- You can think whatever you want. That's the power of the United States. I just think you'd be better served not prescribing to hate.
- My thoughts probably are not worth your anger...so please don't make any threats of bodily harm. It's just not worth it to you. Trust me. Why would you threaten me knowing that it could lead to jail time...which probably leads to loss of freedom, self-respect (which is already running on fumes) and might lead to prison rape. So let's keep it civil and keep our hands to ourselves.
10 June 2009
09 June 2009
10 Years Ago
08 June 2009
Everything Is Terrible
05 June 2009
04 June 2009
03 June 2009
Girls and Their Robots or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About My Life
You don't need to be an unabashed fan of European electropop to like this song because it's one of those rare pop tunes that, like "Borderline", is too fun to dislike. I feel really sorry for you if you don't like it at least a little because I'm going to make this song huge if it's the last thing I do.
Here it is. It's safe for work, so crank it and spread it around your workplace like a cold. Unless it's against company policy to rock out. Then you better wait until you get home.
02 June 2009
01 June 2009
Hot Links
29 May 2009
28 May 2009
On SCotUS and Tokenism
But how will she rock a boat that is already taking on water on its starboard side, submerged by the weight of the extremely conservative jurisprudence of Justices Scalia, Alito and Thomas?
Some are saying that President Obama’s decision is clouded by his desire to placate the Hispanic population. First, I think it’s worth mentioning that Sonia Sotomayor is a very smart person and seems to be able to uphold the law and precedence without letting her own opinions get in the way.
To say that Obama’s choice was based solely on race is ridiculous.
Not because it isn’t partially true, but because this certainly isn’t the first time it’s happened. Clarence Thomas was made an appellate judge against his wishes in 1989 and was, two years later, appointed as Thurgood Marshall’s replacement. George HW Bush said that Clarence Thomas was the only qualified black judge to take Marshall’s place.
Bush didn’t appoint Thomas in an attempt at tokenism. He appointed him because he was the most qualified: one of the prerequisites to getting the job seems to have been being black. Yes, Thomas has had to learn on the job a little, but he was a talented lawyer and politician before he was a judge. And he’s turned out to be a fine justice, maybe not as outspoken or popular as Scalia, but he hasn’t embarrassed anybody (like Harriet Meier might have).
Sotomayor’s being Hispanic is beyond the point. It doesn’t matter that she’s Hispanic: it matters that she’s the most talented and qualified. And in a time when the Hispanic population is growing exponentially, why shouldn’t the SCotUS be more representative of the population?
27 May 2009
Goose Steppers
26 May 2009
22 May 2009
19 May 2009
18 May 2009
Notre Dame
15 May 2009
Base Camp
I'm listening to a piano concerto by a Russian composer and it's phenomenal. I loved it the moment I first laid ears on it.
But after the last gasps of innovation float from the dying lungs of film and television and as music's flaming corpse finally succumbs to the cold depths of some northern sea, what will come next?
Could that be what the Mayans were talking about when they said in 2012 we would undergo a great change? When the Lumiere Brothers first screened one of their moving pictures didn't the collective paradigm shift for the whole world? Is it possible that we have reached our culture zenith?
So...what's next?
What can we expect?
Or are we doomed to a future where quality is overtaken by quality?
Where is our next Rachmaninov?
Or Kandinsky.
Or Salinger.
Or Malick.
Who will save our souls now?
14 May 2009
Eight is Enough
But if I was John and I was around Pluseight and that shrewish ninny Kate, I'd have sought the wiles of another woman's bosom, too.
Just saying.
13 May 2009
Back to Work!
And while I admire the woman's persistance (stick-to-it-tiveness, people? Persistance. PERSISTANCE.), I can't help but wonder if $7.95 was worth the effort.
I'll tell you one thing:
I was about ready to give her the money back myself if she would sit back in her cube, shut the hell up and finish her work.
12 May 2009
11 May 2009
Chee-Zee Oh Oh.
So why do so many people hate her?
What is there to hate about an ebullient, self-made media mogul who isn’t out to conquer the world, like Martha Stewart or Oprah, but more so to make our lives a little better: what is it?
Is there really anything to hate about her?
No, of course not. I feel like we collectively disdain her more because of who we are (or are not) than because of who she is.
She has it all together: a beautiful life, money, the ability to (within limits) do whatever she wants…
So is it just that we’re all really jealous of Rachel Ray?
I know I am.
06 May 2009
Senator, just one more thing: love your suit!
05 May 2009
First Editions
04 May 2009
Mistakes Were Made
28 April 2009
23 April 2009
The Best Thing I've Seen All Day (Sort of NSFW)
Thank you, Doug Roberts, for sharing this with me.
The world is a happier place because of it.
22 April 2009
Getting Ready
21 April 2009
DC is the Most Depressing Sports City: Reason #48, 376
20 April 2009
17 April 2009
An Open Letter to Mr. Daniel Snyder